The Fullness of You
From Kimberly Wolfe
Unlocking Your Psychological Wholeness through Recognizing the Patterns of Your Personal & Astrological Archetypes.

Supporting your psychological growth and development through heart-centered guidance.

Experience the joy of transformation and self-development.

Kimberly Wolfe
With a unique blend of sensitivity and insight, Kimberly has had a lifelong interest in and ability to perceive connections and patterns in nature, including human nature, that often go unnoticed.
“Drawing from 25+ years of experience in coaching and mentoring people in personal development, I have taught and held space for both individuals and groups to participate in their unique individuation process.”
In the broadest sense, individuation can be defined as the achievement of self-actualization through a process of integrating the conscious and the unconscious.
With her uncanny expertise in pattern recognition, Kimberly teaches people how to recognize the unique archetypal themes, influences, and patterns in their nature.

“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” Origin of Species, Darwin
The constant in life is change. It is natural to want to resist change because the uncertain cycles of our lives can evoke feelings a loss of control and sometimes loss of identity. However, there is immense personal growth that happens through our change experiences. They have the potential to deepen our experience of Self.
Kimberly is experienced at creating a safe container for her clients to embrace the changes that invariably emerge, assisting them in learning they are internally resourced with more than enough agency to evolve through their change cycles.
Here is a list of practices we can incorporate to help you reach your goals.
Psychological Astrology dictates that every person arrives on this planet with specific proficiencies, strengths, and liabilities. Many people see this ideology through the lens of the lessons we are here to learn. An understanding of our nature through our natal, aka birth chart, supports us to live into the fullness of who we have the potential of being. This also assists in better understanding and appreciating the uniqueness of others.
Myers-Briggs Personality Patterns
Your preferred and predictable patterns of behavior as you go through life are what form your unique psychological type.
Internal Family Systems Theory
Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an approach to personal development that identifies and addresses the multiple sub-personalities, aka parts, within each person’s mental system.
Psychosynthesis is a therapeutic approach that focuses on personal growth and development. Practitioners of psychosynthesis believe individuals can intentionally work on synthesizing various aspects of the Self to move toward psychological wholeness.

The Luminary of Life and SelfEgo, Basic Personality, and VitalityThe Sun represents the ego, individuality, the power of self, and conscious will. The sign that the Sun was transiting at the time of birth, known as...
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If you would like to learn more about Kimberly and her services or schedule an individual session please leave your name and contact information here with a short description of your needs or questions. You may also call Kimberly directly.