AQUARIUS / The Water Bearer / January 21st – February 18th
As the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius is the sign of the future and of the visionary. It is always looking to the future and is rarely concerned with the here and now. Intellectual independence is Aquarius’ most marked characteristic. It creates theories...
CAPRICORN / The Goat / December 22nd – January 20th
Capricorn is the sign governing reputation, career, standing in the community. Its dominant force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority and (though it may not realize it) for love. It seeks honor, praise, and approval in the world at large, but...
SAGITTARIUS / The Archer / November 22nd – December 21st
Ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune, Sagittarius appears to breeze through life, seeming always to be in the right place at the right time. It has the gift of providence with luck its protection. Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, higher learning, and broad...
LIBRA / The Scales / September 23rd – October 22nd
Libra uses diplomacy and gentle persuasion to achieve what it wants. Highly sociable and charming, Libra has the gift of making others feel important, is a superb listener, and instinctively knows how to draw out another person. Libra is often artistic and finds it...
VIRGO / The Maiden / August 23rd – Sept 22nd
This astrological sign tends to be misunderstood. Known as The Maiden or The Virgin does not mean that Virgo is a prude or lacks sensuality. Virgo is industrious, methodical, and efficient. Its hallmark is intelligence. Virgo analyzes everything and its brain is...
CANCER / The Crab / June 21st – July 22nd
Cancer is ruled by the Moon and has water as its element which likens it to the shifting of the tides. Like the tides, Cancer is the sign of powerful forces moving under the surface, but that surface is hard to penetrate. Cancer builds up an elaborate array of...