Capricorn is the sign governing reputation, career, standing in the community. Its dominant force is desire for success, money, status, position, authority and (though it may not realize it) for love.  It seeks honor, praise, and approval in the world at large, but tends to be emotionally reserved in personal relationships.  Yet it can be hypnotically attractive, and when Capricorn’s shell of reserve is penetrated, its affections and loyalty run deep, cherishing, and protecting those it loves, even when the going is toughest.

Capricorn is goal oriented and puts enormous energy into achieving its objectives.  It plans every step carefully and remains fully grounded. Capricorn enjoys hard work.  Ambitious and determined, it takes a business-like approach to everything and has plenty of common sense. It is not comfortable with ambiguity and seeks certainty and tends to see things in black and white.  

Capricorn tries to avoid making too many waves.  It is patient and doesn’t mind waiting to get what it wants.  Because of its diligence, people sometimes fail to give Capricorn credit for creativity, yet it is highly creative, putting dreams into action in the artistic arena.

Capricorn can be pessimistic, finding it hard to keep its dark melancholy moods to itself.  It feels that it can only depend on itself.  Capricorn often worries that it is not doing enough and what the future will bring.    

Wherever Capricorn falls on the birth chart will be where discipline and intentional processing will be required.

Key words:  Responsible, resourceful, structure, reliability, , restraint, conscientiousness, industrious, efficient, organized, tenacious, conservative, disciplined, wise, ambitious, prudent, constant, inhibited, distrustful, unimaginative, cold, reserved, patient, acquisitive, determined. 

Glyph:  The pictograph represents the V-shaped beard of the Goat and the curved tail of the Fish (the Sea-Goat which was the ancient symbol for Capricorn.)  It also pictures the human knee and circular kneecap (the part of the anatomy Capricorn rules). In symbolic terms, the glyph is two straight lines that meet one another, connected to a circle and a crescent.  This represents the melding of authority and responsibility that is strengthened by both energy and passion.

Myth: Capricorn is the Sea-Goat Pricus, father of the race of sea-goats, creatures that are favored by the gods.

Nature: Feminine
House: 10th
Polarity: Cancer, Negative
Quality: Cardinal
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Colors: Dark green and brown
Body Parts: Bones, joints, and knees
Metal: Lead
Birthstone: Garnet
Dominant Keyword: I USE” 
Most Likable Trait:  STEADINESS

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