Ruled by Jupiter, planet of fortune, Sagittarius appears to breeze through life, seeming always to be in the right place at the right time.  It has the gift of providence with luck its protection.

Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy, higher learning, and broad concepts.  Its natives are happiest discovering new ideas, exploring distant places and not getting tied down to personal commitments.  Sagittarius symbolizes the search for wisdom, with independence its guiding principle.

This sign is restless and full of energy and enterprise. Sagittarius enjoys travelling and exploring and is always open to new ideas.  It is strongly associated with religion and morality.  It is concerned with the concepts on which society is built. Sagittarius’ mind is equipped with foresight and good judgement, loving to initiate new projects.  

It tries to avoid heavy emotional responsibility and needs the freedom to come and go as it wants.  Sagittarius seeks an intellectually stimulating and energetic partner, someone who understands its free spirit.      

Sagittarius rarely talk about their feelings; they talk about what they think about their feelings. It is often bewildered when its romantic partner asks for more passion and emotion.

Friendship is a different matter. Sagittarius is the nicest friend in the zodiac. Kind, open-hearted, jovial, completely free of malice, you are generous to your friends with no strings attached.  

Sagittarius has a straightforward and unsubtle approach to life, chasing many goals in the hope that each will turn up a reward.  If one doesn’t, it will be momentarily disappointed, acknowledge the experience and move on to the next.  However, sometimes Sagittarius can be fanatical about an idea and be perceived as dogmatic and self-righteous.

It always wants more of what is pleasurable.  It can be hard for Sagittarius to put a limit on desires, which can often lead to its undoing.

Key words:  Independence, freedom, optimism, travel, enthusiasm, spontaneous, inspirational, excess, open, honest, irresponsible, honorable, honest, trustworthy, truthful, sincere, outspoken, inquisitive, broad-minded, extrovert, humorous, rude, impatient, generous, energetic, ambitious, seeker of challenge, exploration

Glyph: The pictograph represents the free ranging, pointed arrow of the Archer.  It is also a picture of the human leg from thigh to knee (the part of the anatomy that Sagittarius rules).  In symbolic terms, it is the line of wisdom angled away from trouble and earthly concerns pointing toward higher ideals.

Myth:  Sagittarius refers to the centaur Chiron, who was accidentally shot by Hercules with a poisoned arrow

Nature: Masculine
House: 9th
Polarity: Gemini, Positive
Quality: Mutable
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Colors: Purple
Body Parts: Liver, hips & thighs
Metal: Tin
Birthstone: Turquoise
Dominant Keyword: I SEE”
Most Likable Trait:   OPTIMISM

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